Saturday, September 8, 2012


Today was the first day I got to really experience my new town. 

For those of you who don't know, I just moved to Greenville, SC. It is a beautiful place in upstate South Carolina full of tiny shops, fancy restaurants, and carefully crafted parks. This weekend it was home to the Indie Craft Parade. A yearly festival where local artist of every craft set up booths and sell their goods! It was jam packed and I felt like I had just walked into a Pinterest shop! They had everything from custom Toms to metal jewelry to local foods. I am a total stationary junkie so I found some good buys!
After I left the craft parade I grabbed lunch at a local sports bar/restaurant and caught the end of the Clemson game (Go Tigers)! I stopped at two other shops, The Pink Azalea and Traveling Chic Boutique! The Pink Azalea is like monogram heaven, and I am crazy about monograms! I decided to finally give in and order a pair of orange monogram norts and a baseball hat! Traveling Chic Boutique was my last stop and it was a good one. Today was their grand opening so everything was new and looked stunning. They sell really affordable clothes and jewelry but also have higher end bags and clothes when you want to splurge. I picked up a shirt, a peplum skirt, a pair of earrings and a beautiful Melie Bianco purse! 





  1. I am crazy about all your new purchases! Seriously, that new stationery and bag are to die for!

  2. Greenville is such a great place! I lived there for 5 years back when I was in college and right after I graduated. So glad you came to Indie and stopped by my booth, and I hope you enjoy the stationery and stamp! xo
